Shipping Japan USA | 日記 | Why Japan is called Japan


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Shipping Japan USA の日記

Why Japan is called Japan


Recently I wrote several articles on Japan, mostly Japan trivias.
The topic of one of the articlles is "Why Japan is called Japan." Many people seem to like this sort of a trick and a number of people visited this page. Although not everyone reads it but we noticed this is something a lot of people have been wondering and I have received some good feedback from the people who read the article. If you enjoy learning something new, visit my page. You will like this simple but very convincing explanation as to why Japan is called Japan in the English language. Sometimes people tell you, just like my highschool teach told me, that it was Marco Paulo who named Zipang  which means "country of gold" but if you ask an Italian person you will notice that Zipang does not really mean anything Italian.  It is true that marco Paulo was the one who introduced Japan to Europe and yes, he has something to do with the name.


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